Interview with Vents

VENT: Hi guys, welcome to VENTS! How have you been?

Vile Assembly: We are doing great! Looking forward to Division Of Labour playing on American Radio.

VENT: Can you talk to us more about your song “Division of Labour”?

Vile Assembly: Division Of Labour is a 2.5-minute rage against an unequal political system.

VENT: Did any event inspire you to write this song?

Vile Assembly: There seems to be a lot of politicians who are stealing from the tax purse and getting away with it and using their political status to benefit themselves and their rich corporate thieves. They then use the forces i.e police, army, justice system etc. to protect themselves and when we try to revolt, they use the media to stop us joining together against this corruption. Division Of Labour is trying to unite the people through the incredible medium of music, so that people can unite and rise against this corporate crime!

VENT: Any plans to release a video for the track?

Vile Assembly: Yes, we are In the process of filming and it should be ready this month.

VENT: How’s your new album coming along? Any tentative release date or title in mind?

Vile Assembly: We have an album set for release in May called “Fattened By The Horrors Of War”. It’s a political roller coaster broaching subjects ranging from religion to human evolution!

VENT: How was the recording and writing process?

Vile Assembly: The writing process was really easy as the politicians and corporate criminals and lying Royals (the monarchy) have given us a whole array of lyrics. We have a arsenal of sound scopes to use against the political backdrop of our songs. We have loved every moment of writing these songs and are ready for everyone to listen, absorb and make a change.

VENT: What did you find the inspiration for the songs and lyrics?

Vile Assembly: Seeing the police kill innocent members of the public and realising they are in the same political turmoil pot as me and you, but are somehow protecting the rich and not those who still believe they are ready and available to protect them… Watching people trying to uprise against this inequality, but being crushed by a system set up to discredit them pushed these issues to the forefront of our thought process when writing these songs.

VENT: What role does the UK play in your writing?

Vile Assembly: We live and breath the city of Liverpool. It screams at me, it comforts me, it hates me and loves me. I taste the fear, the anger and the strength of the city. I’ve travelled to many different countries and places, but Liverpool is the most honest and real place in the world. It’s everything and nothing, beautiful and ugly. It makes me write, even when I don’t want to. It forces me to!

VENT: Any plans to hit the road?

Vile Assembly: Yes, we have a tour of France planned and we are being ask to play most of the European festivals. We are playing Musexpo in LA in April and also playing The Viper Rooms In LA on May 4th.

VENT: What else is happening next in Vile Assembly’s world?

Vile Assembly: Once we have pushed the name Vile Assembly and the songs to as many places as we can, our next step is to start using the name to create political momentum and let the unheard voices use the name to promote themselves and their causes. The world is a wonderful place… the problem is a small few want as much wealth as they can collect. Let’s eradicate poverty and inequality and get back to helping each other!

Keep on Keeping On!!!

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For more information, images or interview requests contact Samantha Giannini at The PR Stable.

Tel: 07932 820952 email: sam@giannini.co.uk